Feature road map / wish list
Below are features on our current wish list. This could be a good place to start if you’re interested in making a contribution to MGen. Send us a message if you think we’re missing something important.
- Support for Python (generator + library)
- Support for C# (generator + library)
- A new dedicated non-XML IDL (plug-in).
- Better naming of generated boolean getters (getSet() -> isSet())
- A gui application for data model design
- Support for custom allocators (c++)
- Support for std:: and boost:: smart pointers (c++)
- Generated operators “«”, “<” and “>” (c++)
- Support for C++11 features
- Support for mixins
- Support for ordered maps
- Support for sets
- Support for read-only fields (only setable in constructors)
- Support for Xml Schema
- Support for JSON Schema
We also have some sketches for something we call MNet (working name), which is intended to be a language agnostic communication layer.