Note: This is an experimental feature currently only available in the MGen java runtime library.

We have added a simple command line argument parser, which lets you take a set of application command line arguments and create a java object from them. It works by analyzing an MGen class through the generated class visitor interface (explained earlier), and produce a command line argument parser for that class with corresponding help string.

Below is an example on how to use this functionality:

// Just like previous examples we need a class registry
ClassRegistry registry = new ClassRegistry();

// Select the class you wish to map the command line arguments to
// - We use one of the classes from the previous fruit example
Class<Apple> cls = Apple.class;

// Then we create the parser
CommandLineArgParser parser = new CommandLineArgParser(cls, registry);
// And the corresponding help string
String helpString = new CommandLineArgHelp(cls).toString();
// Now we can print the help string

// And map command line args directly to an object
// The "-" signs are not required.
String[] applicationArgs = {"-brand", "A", "-radius", "3"};
Apple apple = parser.parse(applicationArgs);